






Huating Gou, Haicheng Wei*, Ronglei Duan, et al., 2022. Spatial distribution of modern pollen and fungal spores and their ecological indication in Qinghai Lake on northeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Ecological Indicators,  144(19):109474 

Haifang He, Haicheng Wei*, Yong Wang, et al., 2022. Geochemical and Statistical Analyses of Trace Elements in Lake Sediments from Qaidam Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: Distribution Characteristics and Source Apportionment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19, 2341. 

Haicheng Wei*, Ronglei Duan, Qinghai Xu, et al., 2021. Fungal spore indicators of vegetation and highland pastoralism in modern topsoil and dung, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Catena. 202, 105231. 

Haicheng Wei*, Chongyi E*, Ronglei Duan, et al., 2021. Fungal spore record of pastoralism on the NE Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since the middle Holocene. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, 1318–1331.  

Ronglei Duan, Haicheng Wei*, Guangliang Hou, et al., 2021. Modern Pollen Assemblages in Typical Agro-Pastoral Ecotone in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and Its Implications for Anthropogenic Activities. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 685942. 

段荣蕾,侯光良,魏海成*,等. 2021.青藏高原东部高寒草甸区放牧家畜粪花粉组合特征及其环境指示意义,干旱区地理441:229-239. 

魏海成*,鄂崇毅*,段荣蕾,等. 2021. 真菌孢子记录的全新世中期以来青藏高原东北部地区畜牧活动历史.中国科学:地球科学51. 

Haicheng Wei*, Chongyi E*, Jing Zhang, et al., 2020. Climate change and anthropogenic activities in Qinghai Lake basin over the last 8500 years derived from pollen and charcoal records in an Aeolian section. Catena. 193, 104616.  

Haicheng Wei*, Guangliang Hou, Qishun Fan, et al., 2020. Using coprophilous fungi to reconstruct the history of pastoralism in the Qinghai Lake Basin, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Progress in Physical Geography, 44(1): 70–93.  

Jingyi Gao, Guangliang Hou*, Haicheng Wei*, et al., 2020. Prehistoric human activity and its environmental background in Lake Donggi Cona basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Holocene. 5(30): 657-671.  

Haicheng Wei*, Qin Yuan, Qinghai Xu et al., 2018. Assessing the impact of human activities on surface pollen assemblages in Qinghai Lake Basin, China. Journal of Quaternary Science. 33(6): 702–712.  

赵光通,都永生,魏海成*,等. 2018. 班戈错盐湖古湖岸堤石英光释光年代学及其古环境指示意义研究. 盐湖研究. 263):26-34. 

魏海成*,樊启顺,安福元,等. 2016. 94-9 ka 察尔汗盐湖的气候环境演化过程. 地球学报237):193-203. 

Haicheng Wei, Yan Zhao*. 2016. Surface pollen and its relationships with modern vegetation and climate in the Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China. Vegetation History Archaeobotany, 25(1):19-27.SCI 

Haicheng Wei*, Qishun Fan, Yan Zhao, et al., 2015. A 94–10 ka pollen record of vegetation change in Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2015, 431, 43–52.SCI 

Wei Haicheng*, Ma Haizhou, Zheng Zhuo et al., 2011. Modern pollen assemblages of surface samples and their relationships to vegetation and climate in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 163, 237–246.SCI 



⑴ 国家自然科学基金青年项目:青海湖江西沟遗址末次冰消期以来植被演替与古人类活动的孢粉研究,4130104528万元,2014.1-2016.12,已结题. 

⑵ 青海省自然科学基金青年项目:青海省农牧交错带表土花粉谱特征及其对人类活动的量化辨识,2017-ZJ-931Q20万元,2017.1-2019.12,已结题. 

⑶ 国家自然科学基金面上项目:青海湖流域现代粪生真菌孢子研究及其古环境意义,4187745562.0万元,2019.1-2022.12,已结题. 

⑷ 香港内部信封料一码青年创新促进会人才项目:青藏高原东北部全新世人类活动与环境变化,Y91010102080.0万元,2019.1-2022.12,已结题. 

⑸ 青海省科技厅科技基础条件平台项目:柴北缘典型盐湖湖面扩张-外溢预警评估及其对钾硼锂铍资源影响的多源信息平台构建,子课题,2020-ZJ-T0660万元,2020.01-2022.12,已结题. 

⑹ 国家自然科学基金面上项目:青藏高原现代真菌孢子对植被群落和食草动物种群的指示意义研究,4217201960.0万元,2022.1-2025.12,在研. 

⑺ 青海省自然科学基金杰出青年项目:柴达木盆地中东部盐湖成盐年代及水文与气候约束过程研究,2023-ZJ-941J75.0万元,2023-2025.12,在研.