
周永全,198412月生,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2007年毕业于青海师范大学化学系,2010年在香港内部信封料一码获硕士学位,同年参加工作,并于2014年获得博士学位。2015年获日本科学技术振兴会樱花科学计划支持,在日本福冈大学山口敏男教授研究组开展合作研究。2016-2017年获CSC公派留学计划资助继续在该研究组做访问学者。周永全研究员长期从事溶液结构与动力学的实验和计算机模拟研究,先后主持国家、省部级及横向项目10余项,研究成果在JPCLPCCPJPCB等期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇。现任国际溶液化学大会(IUPAC-ICSC)国际指导委员会(ISC)委员、《计算机与应用化学》青年编委、《盐湖研究》编委和《Journal of Molecular LiquidsGuest Editor 










5. AIE“关键学术论文奖2018 


3.香港内部信封料一码青促会 学科交叉与创新奖2017 




17.周永全,广角X射线及中子散射数据解析软件[简称:XNSA], 登记号:2021SR0128195, 2021. 

16. D. Pang, Z. Zhang,Y. Zhou*, Z. Fu, Q. Li, Y. Zhang, G. Wang, Z. Jing, The process and mechanism for cesium and rubidium extraction with saponified 4-tert-butyl-2-(α-methylbenzyl) phenol. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 2021, Doi: 10.1016/j.cjche.2021.07.001. 

15. J. Zhao, Y. Zhou*, G. Wang, L. Yang, W. Zhang, H. Liu,Li Han, Structure of ternary nitrate molten (Hitec) by X-Ray scattering and density functional theory. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2021, 95 (6), 1185–1193. 

14. Y. Zhou*, T. Yamaguchi, K. Ikeda, K. Yoshida, T. Otomo, C. Fang, W. Zhang, F. Zhu, Dihydrogen bonds in aqueous NaBD4 solution by Neutron and X-ray diffraction. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020, 11 (5), 1622-1628. 

13. Y. Zhou*, T. Yamaguchi, W. Zhang, K. Ikeda, K. Yoshida, F. Zhu, H. Liu, The structural elucidation of aqueous H3BO3 solutions by DFT and neutron scattering studies. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22 (30), 17160-17170. 

12. Z. Jing, G. Wang, Y. Zhou*, D. Pang, F. Zhu, H. Liu, Selectivity of 18-crown-6 ether to alkali ions by density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, 311, 113305. 

11. H. Liu, Y. Zhou*, F. Zhu, W. Zhang, G. Wang, Z. Jing, C. Fang, Micro hydration structure of aqueous Li+ by DFT and CPMD. The European Physical Journal D 2020, 74 (1), 2. 

10. G. Wang, Y. Zhou*, H. Lin, Z. Jing, H. Liu, F. Zhu, Structure of aqueous sodium acetate solutions by X-Ray scattering and density functional theory. Pure and Applied Chemistry 2020, 92 (10), 1627-1641. 

9.Y. Zhou*, K. Yoshida. T. Yamaguchi, C. Fang, Y. Fang, Structure of Alkaline Aqueous NaBH4 Solutions by X-Ray Scattering and Empirical Potential Structure Refinement, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019, 274, 173-182. 

18., Z. Liu, Y. Zhou, M. Guo, B. Lv, Z. Wu, W. Zhou, Experimental and theoretical investigations of Cs+ adsorption on crown ethers modified magnetic adsorbent. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 371, 712-720. 

8. Y. Zhou, S. Yoshie, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Fang, C. Fang*, Structure of Aqueous RbCl and CsCl Solutions by X-Ray Scattering and Empirical Potential Structure Re?nement Modelling, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2018, 34 (5), 483-491. 

7. Y. Zhou, S. Higa, C. Fang, Y. Fang, W. Zhang, T. Yamaguchi*, B(OH)4- Hydration and Association in Sodium Metaborate solutions by X-ray Diffraction and Empirical Potential Structure Refinement, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (2017) 27878-27887. 

6. Y. Zhou*, K. Yoshida, T. Yamaguchi, H. Liu, C. Fang, Y. Fang, Microhydration of BH4: Dihydrogen Bonds, Structure, Stability, and Raman Spectra, The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 121 (47), 9146-9155. 

5. Y. Zhou, C. Fang*, Y. Fang, F. Zhu, H. Ge, H. Liu, Reconsideration on the Hydration of Sodium Ion: From Micro-Hydration to Bulk Hydration, Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2017, 91 (13), 2539-2547. 

4. F. Zhu, Y. Zhou*, C. Fang, Y. Fang, H. Ge, H. Liu, Ion association in lithium metaborate solution: a Raman and ab initio insight. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 2017, 55 (2), 186-195. 

3. H. Liu, C. Fang, Y. Fang, Y. Zhou*, H. Ge, F. Zhu, P. Sun, J. Miao, Characterizing Ni(II) hydration in aqueous solution using DFT and EXAFS. Journal of Molecular Modeling 2016, 22 (2), 1-9. 

2. Y. Zhou, C. Fang*, Y. Fang, F. Zhu, H. Liu, H. Ge, Hydrogen generation mechanism of spontaneous hydrolysis: A sight from ab initio calculation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41 (48), 22668-22676. 

1. Y. Zhou, S. Xu, Y. Fang*, C. Fang, F. Zhu, Structure of Aqueous Lithium Tetraborate Solution, Journal of Cluster Science, 2016, 27 (4), 1131-1145. 



11. 浓盐溶液在亚纳米孔道中的结构、输运与界面相互作用,青海盐湖所基础研究青年创新交叉团队基金项目,100万元,2022.1-2024.12 


9. 受限盐水溶液结构与相变性能,国家自然科学基金面上项目, No.21973106, 2020.1-2023.12, 65万元, 主持; 

8. NaBH4溶液中的二氢键与储放氢, 香港内部信封料一码西部青年学者 A”, No. Y910041014 , 2019.1-2022.12, 52, 主持;  

7. 铷铯在盐湖卤水及典型萃取体系中的局域结构, 青海省自然科学基金应用基础项目, No. 2019-ZJ-7001, 2019.1-2021.12, 40, 主持; 

6.非晶态体系结构研究,香港内部信封料一码青年创新促进会项目, No.2017467, 2017.1-2021.12; 80, 主持; 

5. 硼氢化钠碱性水溶液储放氢体系微观结构的精细解析, 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, No.21503251, 2016.1-2018.12, 21, 主持, 已结题; 

4. 盐湖溶液化学模拟计算平台建设及应用示范, 青海省重点实验室发展专项基金子课题, No.Y441191108, 2014.01-2016.12, 24, 主持, 已结题; 

3. 铷、铯在盐湖卤水中的聚集形态及水合结构研究, 青海省自然科学基金青年项目, No.2015-ZJ-945Q, 2015.01-2017.12, 10, 主持, 已结题; 

2. 硼酸盐储氢体系的溶液结构研究, “西部之光西部博士项目, No.Y510071017, 2015.01- 2017.12, 10, 主持, 已结题; 

1. 铝盐溶液结构初探,联合利华-企业委托项目, No.Y650011001, 2015.7-2016.10, 10, 主持, 已结题;