

2022.11- 至今  香港内部信封料一码,副研究员/硕士生导师

2019.10-2022.11 香港内部信封料一码,助理研究员

2019.03-2019.10 香港内部信封料一码,未聘


2013.09-2019.01 香港内部信封料一码大学博士(硕博连读)    分析化学      博士

2008.09-2013.07   烟台大学                       应用化学      学士








[1] Li, Y., Liu, Z., Xia, S., Han, J., Cui, Y., Yang, K., Zeng, Y., Liu, X. and Xu, H.  2024.  Ultrahigh separation property of GO membrane for dissolved organic compound in high-salt brine. Sep. Purif. Technol. 333, 125935.

[2] Guo, M., Wang, L., Du, H., Liu, F., Yang, K., Zhang, Y., Fan, S., Liu, X. and Xu, H.  2024.  Dissolved organic matter promoted hydroxyl radical formation and phenanthrene attenuation during oxygenation of iron-pillared montmorillonites. Chemosphere 352, 141264.

[3] Duan, C., Liu, F., You, J., Yang, K., Liu, X. and Xu, H.  2024.  Influences of dissolved organic matters on the adsorption and bioavailability of sulfadiazine: Molecular weight- and type-dependent heterogeneities. Chemosphere 354, 141677.

[4] Zhang, Y., Yang, K., Chen, H., Dong, Y. and Li, W.  2023.  Origin, composition, and accumulation of dissolved organic matter in a hypersaline lake of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Sci. Total Environ. 868, 161612-161612.

[5] Shi, Z., Guo, M., Du, H., Yang, K., Liu, X. and Xu, H.  2023.  Investigation of cytotoxic cadmium in aquatic green algae by synchrotron radiation-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: Role of dissolved organic matter. The Science of the total environment 870, 161870.

[6] Shi, Z., Guo, M., Du, H., Yang, K., Liu, X. and Xu, H.  2023.  Investigation of cytotoxic cadmium in aquatic green algae by synchrotron radiation-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: Role of dissolved organic matter. The Science of the total environment 870, 161870.

[7] Yang, K.L., Zhang, Y.L., Dong, Y.P. and Li, W.  2022.  Chemical composition and Pb(II) binding of dissolved organic matter in a hypersaline lake in China. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 40(1), 113-127.

[8] Xu, H., Li, X., Guo, M., Li, F., Yang, K. and Liu, X.  2022.  Dissolved organic matters with low molecular weight fractions exhibit high photochemical potential for reactive oxygen formation. Chemosphere 305, 135542.

[9] Zhang, Y., Yang, K., Dong, Y., Nie, Z. and Li, W.  2021.  Chemical characterization of non-volatile dissolved organic matter from oilfield-produced brines in the Nanyishan area of the western Qaidam Basin, China. Chemosphere 268.

[10] Yang, K.L., Zhang, Y.L., Dong, Y.P., Li, D.D. and Li, W.  2021.  Metal binding by dissolved organic matter in hypersaline water: A size fractionation study using different isolation methods. Limnologica 87, 25849-25849.

[11] Yang, K., Zhang, Y., Dong, Y., Peng, J., Kaal, J., Li, W., Ma, X. and Nie, Z.  2021.  Tracking variations in the abundance and composition of dissolved organic matter in solar ponds of oilfield-produced brine. Appl. Geochem. 131, 105008.

[12] 杨克利, 彭姣玉, 董亚萍, 刘鑫, 李武,刘海宁  2023.  溶解性有机质在盐田中的光谱学变化特征. 光谱学与光谱分析 43(12), 3775-3780.

[13] 彭姣玉, 谈钰琴, 杨克利, 董亚萍, 张波,李武  2023.  盐湖水氯镁石合成三方硼镁石的 结晶机理及动力学研究. 无机盐工业55(10).

[14] 彭姣玉, 杨克利, 边绍菊, 崔瑞芝, 董亚萍,李武  2022.  盐水溶液中单硼酸盐物种(B(OH)3和B(OH)4-)的拉曼光谱定量分析. 光谱学与光谱分析 42(8), 2456-2462.

[15] 杨克利, 董亚萍, 李武, 彭姣玉,刘海宁  2021.  卤水中溶解性有机质的光谱学性质和光降解行为研究. 地学前缘 28(06), 187-195.


[1] 青海省重点研发与转化计划项目,“盐湖生物矿化硅制备光伏减反涂层的关键技术研究与推广”,项目负责人,150万元,2024.01-2026.12。

[2] 香港内部信封料一码青年创新促进会,“盐湖中溶解性有机质结构组成、行为特征、生态环境效应及去除方法和机理研究”,项目负责人,80万元,2023.01-2026.12。

[3] 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,“钾肥生产中浮选药剂及盐湖天然有机物分析检测”,课题负责人,20万元, 2021.01-2024.12。

[4] 青海省自然科学基金青年项目,“基于分子尺寸水平上的盐湖水环境中溶解性有机质的研究”,项目负责人,20万,2020.01-2022.12。

[5] 青海省“昆仑英才.高端创新创业人才-拔尖人才”,项目负责人,20万元,2020.01-2022.12。

[6] 香港内部信封料一码西部学者,“察尔汗盐湖中有机质的研究”,项目负责人,15万元,2020.01-2022.12。